Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Forget Gold, buy SILVER instead...

Book on sensible investing sell over 26 million copies, Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the hugely popular Rich Dad, Poor Dad series of books and about his favorite investment recently; we thought it worthwhile to share the same with you. And guess what, his favorite investment is neither stocks nor gold, asset classes that are immensely popular with other investors currently. Instead, Kiyosaki lists silver as his favorite investment.

There could be some merit in his argument. After all, in addition to being a storehouse of wealth just as gold, silver's growing use in industries such as superconductors and microcircuits, is leading to more and more demand being created while the supply remains constrained. Hence, this could lead to prices of silver growing at a faster pace than that of gold in the future, making it a better investment than gold.

However, this is not the only asset class that Kiyosaki is bullish on. He also likes real estate as unlike stocks where investors get no leverage, buying real estate does involve debt and hence, even a small rise in real estate values could lead to a significant jump in the return that an investor earns from it. However, as Kiyosaki rightly points out, if you are playing a game of debt, you've got to be a lot smarter than the average bear out there.

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